I was delighted to see that my rhubarb has hung in there and is now popping its heads up. Along with the one I planted this year, I now have four, and three can be eaten this year. This is year three of the rhubarbs and I am hoping that we will have a bumper crop.
The weather is getting nicer but they keep using the ol' gloom and doom rain ahead forecasting, so I am hoping my tomato plants will hang in there in the greenhouse.
Alas, my experiment with the indoor lettuce failed. I actually think that if I had had a grow light it would have succeeded, but without the extra light they started to wilt. So what we did was to put the entire pot outside and took apart an old animal cage to put over it so the squirrels couldn't get to it. We will see whether this will work or not. The jury is still out on this one.
I was delighted to see that my rhubarb has hung in there and is now popping its heads up. Along with the one I planted this year, I now have four, and three can be eaten this year. This is year three of the rhubarbs and I am hoping that we will have a bumper crop.
The weather is getting nicer but they keep using the ol' gloom and doom rain ahead forecasting, so I am hoping my tomato plants will hang in there in the greenhouse.
Alas, my experiment with the indoor lettuce failed. I actually think that if I had had a grow light it would have succeeded, but without the extra light they started to wilt. So what we did was to put the entire pot outside and took apart an old animal cage to put over it so the squirrels couldn't get to it. We will see whether this will work or not. The jury is still out on this one.
What do you get when you pour boiling water down the rabbit hole?
A hot cross bunny
What is a king's favorite weather?
Can bees fly in the rain?
Not without their yellow jackets
What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?
What does the Easter Bunny order at a Chinese restaurant?
Hop Suey!
In what season do you use a trampoline?
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