
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Here we are starting a whole new year and I am still blogging! So, all of you who thought I couldn't keep it up, you were wrong!! I can't seem to stop sharing the beauty and adventure of our gardening.

This year we are planning to have a large veggie garden. I have already cordoned off a secure area,(which Scoobs already proved was inadequate when his ball ended up in there). I was going to start preparing the soil when I realized that if I put them in pots they would be high enough for the dogs not to bother them growing. So, that's the plan.

Today I started seeds in growing pans to start slowly in the greenhouse to beat any frost we might have. Today I started with Cukes (Muncher and National Pickling) and Rainbow Peppers (Grand Bell Mix). I would love to make pickles as I have never done this! We so enjoyed the bell peppers we had last year and used them to snack on them, in herbed vinegars and dried to use in recipes later.

Also, it's time for bulbs and sadly, after reaching the 1000 mark for planted bulbs, we realized that the dogs are just tearing them up as they run thru the yard. So I am relocating them into pots, where they can sit undisturbed. It's always good to separate your bulbs every couple of years to help their growth.

This is this year's new bulbs I planted today: Ranunculus, Grape Hyacinths (Muscari), Allium, Red/Yellow striped tulips, black tulips, pink parrot tulips, rainbow tulips crocus,chionodoxa,crocosmia and some non-bulbs, morning glories. Tomorrow I will continue with more veggies and some sunflowers. I am going to add sweet corn, spinach, stringless green beans, pattypan squash, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, watermelon and peas.

The weather has been so wacky, I am taking advantage of planting early to capitalize on all this sunny weather. Still aways to Spring so they will be quietly, happily growing in the greenhouse until it's time to transplant.

Hope all of you get to play in the dirt a bit this year!

Here's some from my FB page in case you have missed them. Enjoy the awkwardness!

Copyright 2014 No use without permission

1 comment:

  1. Love those skiing doxies...and awkward photos! Keep up the good work ;-)
